What Happens if You Miss a Personal Loan Payment?

What Happens if You Miss a Personal Loan Payment?

Missing a loan payment may cost you financially—now and into the future. You may be subject to additional interest and fees, your credit rating may be affected, and you may potentially risk your chances of loan approvals in the future. Your ability to finance a car or home may also be affected by missed loan […]

A Personal Loan for Debt Consolidation: 7 Things to Consider

A Personal Loan for Debt Consolidation

If you carry balances on numerous credit cards or have other outstanding unsecured loans you pay monthly, you may have thought about combining them so you only have one payment each month; this is known as debt consolidation. Specifically, debt consolidation is when you take out a new loan to pay off all or some […]

What Are Installment Loans and How Do They Work?

filling out loan app

Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you probably know something about installment loans. You may have even had one. If you own a home with a mortgage or have ever financed a car, those agreements to repay a debt over time are installment loans. Unlike your credit card payments, which can vary month […]